Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Provide Support for Mobility

Provide support for mobility (HSC 2002) Outcome 1 Understand the importance of mobility 1. define mobility Mobility is defined as, * being able to move or be moved freely and easily * the ability to move physically * The ability to move a part of the body 2. explain how different health conditions may affect and be affected by mobility No matter an individuals age, level of disability or infirmity it is important that everyone maintains some level of exercise. There are a vast range of disabilities and conditions which can result in mobility difficulties.Some of the most common on-going or permanent conditions result from muscular and skeletal disabilities and from on-going medical conditions which affect mobility. Some examples of disabilities and conditions which can have an impact on mobility are: Back and neck problems, accidents or injury leading to long term disability, arthritis and any other condition affecting the joints, dementia, amputation, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosi s, partial or total paralysis, cerebral palsy and head injury.Other conditions such as respiratory and cardiac diseases, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer and AIDS can all have an impact on co-ordination, dexterity, strength, speed and stamina. There are a vast range of health conditions which can be improved by mobility, here are a few. After an individual has suffered a stroke areas of their body will be weak and it is important that a physiotherapist devises a programme of exercise to strengthen the weak areas in order to regain the mobility.After joint surgery such as hip replacement exercise is key to making a full recovery and mobility of the joint. For individuals who are asthmatic or with chest problems, exercise can expand airways to make breathing easier. 3. outline the effects that reduced mobility may have on an individual’s well-being Both mobility and physical difficulties, and regular or constant pain can impact on an individual’s overall sense of wellbeing. So me people may be affected at times by low-self esteem and self confidence, and motivational difficulties.Keeping mobile is extremely important for health and for giving an individual increased self esteem and a sense of well being. It is vital as we get older to maintain our mobility, to help us remain active as an elderly person and avoid having to sit in a chair all day. Being mobile enables individuals to remain independent. Being able to go when and where they want when they want without having to rely on others for assistance can make a major difference to individuals lives. 4. describe the benefits of maintaining and improving mobility.It is important to maintain and improve mobility and this can be done through exercise. The benefits of exercise for any individual regardless of the level of their disability are both physical and an emotional improvement in their condition. Physically exercise increases heart and lung activity which improves and strengthens the cardiovascular system, which controls breathing and blood circulation. Physical exercise also increases the use of muscles which improves the muscles strength and tone. It also improves sleep and burns calories to keep our weight balanced.Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the â€Å"diseases of affluence† such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression and helps to promote or maintain positive self esteem. By maintaining and improving an individual’s mobility it will increase their independence and freedom to choose actions and destinations. Outcome 2 Be able to prepare for mobility activities The learner can: 1. gree mobility activities with the individual and others Exercise can be both formal and informal. It could also take place as a group or as an individual. Exercise as a formal programme will be assessed by a physiotherapist and will help to inc rease mobility, improve strength stamina or suppleness. An exercise programme has usually been devised by a specialist in order to meet a specific outcome, so it is important to encourage the individual to follow the programme by explaining it’s importance and getting them to agree with it.You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. Others involved in an individual’s mobility activities could include an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, G. P. or community nurse. If the mobility activities are less formal and the outcome required is to maintain the individual’s mobility on a daily basis this can be done through active support and encouragement. You should encourage the individual to do things for themselves and participate in activity and exercise where possible.An example would be to encourage their participation in household activities You should ident ify and agree with the individual the best way for them to maintain their mobility and any preferences to the form of exercise they prefer. It is important to ensure the individual agrees as it is important they are willing to participate in order for the programme to work. 2. remove or minimise hazards in the environment before beginning a mobility activity It is important to carry out a risk assessment of the environment prior to beginning a mobility activity.This is to ensure the health and safety of the individual and yourself and prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring. You need to carry out a risk assessment in relation to both the activity and the individual. This will include * The floor surface is safe and free of trip hazards * The support the individual needs in the area of equipment and number of carers * Ensure any walking aids to be used are being used properly and have been measured correctly for size of the individualIf the individual is wheelchair bound or bed bound * Ensure the chair/bed is stable and the brakes are on 3. check the suitability of an individual’s clothing and footwear for safety and mobility The individual should be wearing comfortable, easy wear clothing items to allow for mobility and unrestricted movement. Shoes should be comfortable and firm and offer good support and with non slip soles. The correct type of clothing is also important to preserve an individual’s dignity if they are bending and stretching. . check the safety and cleanliness of mobility equipment and appliances. Any equipment used should be checked to ensure it is safe and clean before use. Any walking aids should be measured correctly and be the correct size for the individual. Usually any equipment to be used will be recommended by a professional such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist, who will ensure the individual can used the aid correctly and safely. Walking sticks – for an individual needing some support, mai nly to give confidenceTo ensure a walking stick is the correct height for the individual you need to ask them to hold the stick in the hand opposite their â€Å"bad† side if there is one otherwise in their dominant hand eg right or left handed. Their hand should be level with the top of their thigh when resting on the stick, elbow slightly bent, shoulders level. Ensure the ferrule (suction foot) is not worn to avoid the stick slipping when leant on. Quadrupeds and tripods – for individuals who have difficulty walking on one particular leg Quadrupeds are for individuals with very poor mobility in one leg such as hip r knee degeneration or stroke. To ensure this is the correct size use the same method as described for the walking stick and again check the ferrules are not worn. Walking frames – for individuals needing considerable support Again use the same method to measure if they are the correct size as with the walking stick and again check the ferrules are no t worn. Wheelchair All wheelchairs should be fitted with the appropriate cushions to minimise the risk of developing pressure area problems Outcome 3 Be able to support individuals to keep mobile 1. romote the active participation of the individual during a mobility activity Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient. It is important to encourage active participation of the individual during a mobility exercise through encouragement and support. You should encourage them to stretch just a little more or try one more repetition, providing it is following the set plan of care.Instead of clearing away their crockery after a meal, encourage them to assist you where possible. Don’t use a wheelchair to move an individual around just because it is quicke r. It is important to give an individual the time to do things at their pace rather than at yours. Sometimes a specific piece of equipment may be able to be used to assist the individual to participate in the move. For example – an individual may be able to transfer themselves from a wheelchair to a chair either by the use of a transfer board or simply by sing their upper body strength to slide across, once you have removed the wheelchair arm for them. This encourages the individual to exercise their upper body muscles and actively participate in the move, rather than you using a hoist to transfer them. 2. give feedback and encouragement to the individual during mobility activities. It is important to encourage and support an individual during mobility activities. This will increase their confidence and affect how well the individual carries out the activity.It is also important to ensure that the exercise is not too difficult or painful for the individual as this will make t hem reluctant to participate. Always report this if the individual is suffering pain or discomfort during the activity. Discuss any reluctance they may have to participate with them especially if the plan of care advises they are capable of the activity. It may be a lack of confidence or fear of falling which is stopping them from participating. Gentle encouragement, support and discussion will encourage the individual to be more willing to attempt the activity.Never be tempted to change the exercise activity which a physiotherapist has recommended, because an individual finds it easier as this could cause further mobility problems or pain. You can give an individual feedback on their improved mobility. Remind them of how much they have improved since starting the mobility activities, for example, â€Å"When you started these moves Mrs B you could only do five repetitions now you can do fifteen and twice as quickly†. Outcome 4 Be able to observe, record and report on activiti es to support MobilityThe learner can: 1. observe an individual to monitor changes and responses during a mobility activity As a carer you are in a good position to be able to monitor changes and responses to an individual’s mobility activity. These observations are vital when planning the care an individual needs. If you observe the individual having difficulties or improvements in their mobility, if the individual complains of pain or suffers the loss of confidence in a particular technique, it is important to report and record this.Who you report these changes to, will depend on the plan of care but it could be your senior or manager, the GP, community nurse, occupational therapist or physiotherapist. For example As a carer it may be your role to encourage and monitor how many times an individual is able to squeeze a rubber ball, to strengthen their hand and arm muscles after a stroke. By counting and reporting on the number of repetitions carried out you will enable the p hysiotherapist to see any improvements in the individual’s mobility. 2. record observations of mobility activityRecording an individual’s progress on a mobility activity is important. You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. This is necessary as the physiotherapist will need to review what progress the individual is making, so that the exercise programme can be adjusted as and when needed. You will need to note how often the individual carried out the exercises and if you noticed any improvement to their flexibility or strength, alertness, general level of fitness and mobility.This should be recorded in the care plan notes. 3. report on progress and/or problems relating to the mobility activity including: * choice of activities If an individual enjoys a particular form or type of mobility activity, this should be recorded so that other are aware. It should also be reported to the person in charge of their mobility activity plan eg Physiotherapist. They will then be able to write an exercise plan to suit the individual based on the type of activities they enjoy.There are numerous mobility activities which individuals could take part in, some as a group activity and some as individuals, formal and informal. It is important that an individual agrees with the activity and also cooperates in it otherwise the activity will not take place or benefit them. * Equipment * Appliances These are items which assist an individual to become or continue to be mobile, by providing support. This includes walking sticks, crutches, quadrupeds and walking frames, transfer boards, wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc.It is important to monitor and regularly check how an individual is progressing when using any type of mobility appliance or equipment. As their mobility changes so might the aid they need for support change. If an individual has been using mobility equ ipment or appliance for support, whilst recovering from an injury or illness, it is important to encourage them to manage without it, before they become too dependent on it. If you feel an individual is not managing to use an appliance or piece of equipment correctly or safely, you should report this immediately the support provided. It is important to immediately report on any problems regarding the mobility support provided to an individual. This could be that you feel the support is inadequate or even excessive. For example the plan of care advises two carers assist the individual to move with the aid of a hoist, where you feel one carer would be sufficient as the individual is able and willing to use a transfer board, because their mobility had improved. You should always report accurately any observations you make regarding an individual’s support needs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Concept Analysis: Quality of LIfe Essay

What does quality of life mean? How would a person define the concept of quality of life? Philosophers have studied questions similar to these in the aspect of what constitutes a â€Å"good† life for hundreds of years. There really is no certain date to the origin of quality of life as a specific term. In the years 1953 to 1954, two economists have been linked as the ones who used the concept in expressing their concern over ecological dangers of unlimited economic growth (Snoek, 2000). Other economists in the 1950s researched the ideas of what counts in life is not the quantity of goods but the quality of one’s life. Social scientists began to use the term quality of life in the 1970s. Also in the 1970s, there has been growing interest in quality of life issues in relation to nursing, medicine, and health care (Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult, 2000). Philosophers used the concept quality of life in the 1980s to formulate moral judgment, particularly with infanticide and euthanasia in relation to severely handicapped infants and life sustaining treatment (Pennacchini, Bertolaso, Elvira & DeMarinis, 2011). Researcher’s interest in theoretical issues and quality of life has fallen, but quality of life continues to be used in health care and clinical practice (Pennacchini et al, 2011). There are thousands of people living today with disease and health disparity. For some individuals, the goal of health may not be freedom of disease or health disparity, but a high quality of life. Through concept analysis using the Walker and Avant Model, the concept of quality of life will be examined with an emphasis on health. Many aspects will be explored to the concept, including uses, attributes, case examples, antecedents and empirical referents. Concept The concept of quality of life and what it means is highly ambiguous. Barofsky (2012) explains that any broad concept, such as quality of life, will continually change as it is further studied and more is learned on the concept. In a broad aspect, quality of life can be defined as the dimensions of human experience, ranging from those associated with the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and achieving a sense of fulfillment and personal happiness (Snoek, 2000). Related to health, quality of life can be defined as a concept encompassing physical and psychological characteristics and limitations, describing an individual’s ability to function and get satisfaction from the ability to function (Snoek, 2000). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) defines quality of life as a broad multidimensional concept that includes subjective evaluations of positive and negative aspects to life. Healthy People 2020 (2013) defines health related quality of life as a multidimensional concept including a person’s well being of physical, mental, emotional and social functioning and explains this concept goes beyond life expectancy, causes of death, and direct measures of population health. Purpose Analyzing the concept of health related quality of life helps one understand the concept with deeper meaning and clarity. A question to be asked is, â€Å"how do health practitioners improve the quality of life in patients?† The purpose of quality of life analysis is to improve awareness on the concept and to promote the use in medical and nursing practice. With the growing needs to enhance health related quality of life, national goals have been initiated. Healthy People 2020 (2013) identified quality of life improvement as an important public health goal, paving way to further analysis of the concept. Uses of the Concept The concept of quality of life can be used in many different aspects and disciplines. In general, quality of life can be used with philosophy, politics, business, social sciences, health promotion, nursing, and medicine. Quality of life can be used for life evaluation in each of these disciplines listed above. In health care, for example, research may examine quality of life in relation to cancer treatment versus palliative care. Another specific example would be a study on complementary and alternative medicine use and quality of life in diabetics. In medicine, the concept of  quality of life can be used in many different aspects from disorders, diseases, treatment implications, and improvement of quality of life. In sociology, quality of life can be used for social indicators to trace changes over time and monitor the social system, for example. In politics, quality of life can be measured on individual rights and the freedom of choice. The examples provided are a select few to the wide range of uses for quality of life. Defining Attributes Defining attributes are traits or distinctive features of a concept, giving greater insight to that concept. One of the most important defining attributes to quality of life is happiness. Philosophers have studied happiness for long periods of time, considering happiness to be the highest good and utmost motivation for humans (Kerce, 1992). From other literature review, there are attributes most frequently associated with quality of life, which include: physical health, mental health, level of independence, social and emotional facets, and spirituality. Another attribute that has emerged is ones ability to reflect on their life at a given moment and consider themself to be happily satisfied. There are many individual perspectives to what constitutes quality of life according to each of these defining attributes. For example, quality of life in the aspect of physical health may be pain or ability to sleep. Quality of life in psychological state may be physical appearance, feelings, and self-esteem. For individuals who live in the United States and other developed countries, attributes to quality of life may be different compared to non-developed countries. For example, a person in Africa may define quality of life by freedom from torture, slavery, and religion. Other thoughts in non-developed areas could be the access to education, access to health care, freedom of disease and health burden, and a right to be treated equally. There are many luxuries in the United States and other countries that are not an option in non-developed areas that one must consider with defining attributes at a cultural level. Model Case A model case is used to demonstrate all of the defining characteristics of a concept. For a model case with quality of life, a person would have to be in a state of physical health, mental health, happy, independent, have adequate  social aspects, be able to evaluate their life, and a healthy spiritual life. With this, one must keep in mind the individuality of what these terms mean to someone. A model case could be the following scenario: P.C. is a 62 year-old male who recently retired from his job as an electrical engineer with Paskato Brothers Incorporated. This man is happily married to his wife of 40 years and together they have four children and ten grandchildren. P.C. and his wife are planning their years of retirement to be fulfilled with tourism, purchasing a lake home, and spending time with their children and grandchildren. Socially, P.C. spends Wednesday afternoons with his good friends at Zest Creek golf course. P.C. attends Heart and Spirit Lutheran Church and considers himself to be strong in his beliefs. P.C. exercises three times a week at Wellness World and attends a bone-building class on Tuesday mornings to keep his bones and joints healthy. According to P.C.’s yearly physical with his primary care provider, he is in excellent physical and mental health. P.C. reflects on his life and feels extremely blessed to be in his position and states he â€Å"would not change a thing.† P.C. considers himself to be happy, healthy, and full of life. In this model case, P.C. has met all of the attributes that contribute to quality of life. P.C. is able to look at his life with satisfaction and happiness. From the model, one can determine that P.C. is in good physical health, mental health, social and emotional health, and satisfied with his spiritual life. Also, P.C. is independent in his life, being able to care for himself and has no physical limitations. Borderline Case In life, there are several different components to quality. Many people would argue that the quality of ones life is what matters, not the longevity. From analyzing quality of life, one can understand this concept with better meaning and clarity. Quality of life as a concept has been examined through uses, attributes, case examples, antecedents and consequences, and empirical referents. Through examination, one can determine there are subjective and objective components to quality of life, with an emphasis to individuality. Awareness to the concept has been brought to light, with indication for the importance of quality of life in health care to better patient’s lives. Hopefully, research will continue on ways to improve quality of life in all aspects, with a special focus to health care. References Armstrong, D., & Caldwell, D. (2004). Origins of the concept of quality of life in health care: A rhetorical solution to a political problem. Social Theory & Health, 2, 361- 371. Retrieved from n_health_care Barofsky, I. (2012). Can quality or quality-of-life be defined? Quality Of Life Research, 21(4), 625-631. doi:10.1007/s11136-011-9961-0 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Population Health (2011). Health-related quality of life. . Retrieved from Healthy People 2020, Division of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Monday, July 29, 2019

Answer these questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer these questions - Assignment Example Humans: We [Humans] live in nature and culture. Even though much of our behavioral traits are inherited, we have opinions, and so form judgments. That as the inert aspects of biology interacts with the external components of culture, certain thoughts passed along to the latter generations fades away, in effect, explaining how natural selection operates on cultural thoughts. Culture affords that extra capacity for humans to adjust to the challenges of nature. 1) Explain the differences about whether Neanderthals were humans exactly like us or not. What traits did they have that were like us, and which were different, and how can you explain these through the principles of natural selection and variation? The Neanderthals were generally similar to modern man in appearance; the anatomy was essentially human in scope, with a similar number of bones functioning in the same manner. They were, however, different in terms of their robustness [thickness and strength]. The Neanderthal also had backward sloped forehead, with a slightly forward protruding nose compared to modern humans. The similarities in the physical traits of the two come from the very fact that both humans and Neanderthals acquired certain genetic variables from a common ancestor; variables which may have been â€Å"wiped clean† with certain beneficial aspects of mutation, causing variations in humans to help develop language or engage in complex interactive mechanisms, in effect, showing the very nature of natural selection in action. 2) How can bones tell us stories that history cannot? What specific scientific methods would you employ to study a group of skeletons from a volcanic eruption, in which the ruler of the time said all the people escaped the disaster? Scientific evidence has proven beyond reasonable doubles that organisms evolve/change over time. Through the studies of bones, scientists can, therefore, how species have changed across long

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Assignment - Case Study Example ement are involved in the operation of computers, and other applications works in the system, which does not jeopardize service provision by these facilities. It is in this note that the computer facilities should be operated with distinct order and adequate security of its servers. The Becoming Company in its networking utilizes the three topologies; that is the star topology, bus topology and the linear topology. It also uses a Sun Microsystems Blade 6048 with 48 server modules as an Internal Gateway helps ease the operation of the company, and beneficial to the company since operating it is easy. Its unique features make the blade powerful, efficient and reliable. The design of 6048 allows it to perform its duties such as database, enterprise operation, high-performance computers and data consolidating and visualization (Bicsi, 2002). These features are coupled to improve the performance of the system. The company has managed to increase and maintain its performance by combining the three topologies to form 3 Internet Gateway web servers S1, S2 and S3. The bus topology (S1), which is the simplest network, is made up of the trunk and segment connecting all computers in the network. The system acts as an operating system, which enables the company transfer data and business transactions carried out effectively and pass through the gateway for processing. In this topology, every system is normally attached to signals over the channel. One computer usually sends data at a time; bus topology, however, is slow in data transmission. This form of arrangement is cheap since it requires short cable and its simplicity and makes it efficient and economical to the company. Data collision does not occur in the system since all networks are connected to a cable terminator (lanoff, 2010). The use of ring topology involve connecting nodes to form a single closed data path, these enables the system achieve high transmission rates than when connections made using bus topology

Discussion question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Discussion question - Coursework Example Another major symptom of depression remained unfolded, which is the unexplained pains and aches. These physical complaints of a depressed individual generally include headaches, aching muscles, back pain, and stomach pain (Sublette, 2008). In addition, before making decision about the therapy to be provided to the woman, there is a need to have additional information relating to different causes that include biological causes, social causes and psychological causes for depression (Sublette, 2008). For the effective treatment of the woman, who has been suffering from depression accompanied by anxiety, trouble in sleeping, impaired concentration, body fatigue and others, psychotherapy is considered as the best approach (Hughes & Herron, 2014). The reason behind for selecting psychotherapy is that the woman does not have the symptom of unexplained pains and aches, which was identified later. It is worth mentioning that some of the symptoms of depression witnessed by the woman are of major concerns and are required to be effectively intervened. These include trouble in sleeping, anxiety and impaired concentrations among others (Sublette, 2008). These symptoms are notable to be largely affecting the woman and hence, required to be cured with effective intervention. In this regard, effective psychotherapy would certainly resolve such symptoms (Hughes & Herron, 2014). Although the woman has witnessed considerable concern on account of her acute depression and the consequent symptoms but effective psychotherapy would certainly support her to recover. Thus, there is no requirement of another approach for treatment of the same (Hughes & Herron, 2014). In this regard, the woman is needed to be provided with proper care as well as treatment services in primary care setting. Primary care setting will be significant for providing care services on the basis of treatment

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pros and Cons of Private Schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pros and Cons of Private Schooling - Essay Example This paper analyzes the pros and cons of private schooling as explained in four articles, links to which are given in the references section. Private schools have conventionally played a very important role in promoting and strengthening UK’s economy despite being lesser in number as compared to the public schools. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that individuals educated in private schools gain a lot of economic advantages in their professional career. They get better jobs and are employed at higher salaries than the graduates of public schools, though there is little know-how about the way the social and economic influence of the private schooling has surfaced. In their paper, Green et al (2010) have provided empirical evidence for the degree of change experienced in the education differentials and school wages over the period of time. The reasons why pupils educated in private schools have more advantages than those educated in public schools include but are not limit ed to substantive increase in the number of resources, increased emphasis of the private schools upon the academic achievement of students through internal transformation, and increased fee amounts that parents do not have problem with paying given the widespread knowledge economy and increase in the number of women participating in the labor force. ... (Green et al, 2010). The authors conclude that half of the increase in salary differential between the graduates of private and public schools is because of the better qualifications of the former than the latter. Homeschool Academy (2007) discusses a number of advantages of the private schools. The academic performance of private school students is much better than that of the public school students. One of the several reasons behind this is increased parental involvement in the child education in private schools. Private schools are characterized by freedom from the constraints imposed by the government over public schools. Private schools are free to select core academic subjects for teaching. They do not have to bear the pressure of political advocacy groups while designing the curriculum for their students. Because of their increased freedom, private schools are better able to enforce discipline within the classroom as well as in the campus. They are greatly facilitated by the p arents of the students in implementing discipline in the schools because parents are as concerned about making the private school education a success as the school administrators and owners themselves are. However, private schools still have to overcome the challenges of age segregation in classrooms and the inflexibility of teachers with respect to their speed of teaching. NCSPE (n.d.) explains why private schools are so controversial. Private schools provide the families with a way to retreat from their responsibilities towards the society as citizens and also promote inequality. The fundamental cause of injustice is the use of public dollars by private schools that are potentially

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

International Business - Essay Example International business, provided with its nature is a principal determinant of international trade. One of the consequences on the growing achievement of international business ventures could be attributed to globalization. Trade assists in the prevention of conflict. International business fundamentally is concerned with trade, and provided that people trade, they essentially are in contact with each another. As an outcome, there is less separation that the countries are able to do. Provided that countries start to interact by means of trade, they are less expected to clash. This is also connected to the theory that democratic states are less probable to result to war with one another since they are interrelated and reliant on each others victory. There are several factors which affect the nature of international business and the companies that are involved in it. Firstly, there are challenges to the manner in which people belonging to these organizations balance their work and their personal life. Essentially, organizations should be able to work out resolutions to help boost their companies and to address this continuing challenges. However it would do well to discuss certain influences that present these challenges to international business. There are several factors which affect the nature of the organizations involved in International Business. Some of these are culture and tradition, the role played by key stakeholders, available resources in the community, public policies, as well as the demographics. Culture together with tradition affects the manner in which organizations as well as its personnel interact with each other. Culture and tradition have a tendency to affect the goal setting activity, work activity as well as feedback gathering and receiving of the organization. These two factors also have a propensity to affect the kind of allowances and rewards given, work-life interface and even

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Christian Right and Hitler's Nazis Term Paper

The Christian Right and Hitler's Nazis - Term Paper Example It is arguable that there are frightening similarities between the Christian right and Hitler's Nazis. Chris Hedges believe that the move by Christian fundamentalist to takeover the political system is comparable the Hitler’s Nazis2. He observed that when the Christian fundamentalist penetrate the political cycle, opponents of the Christian system would serve as Satan’s agent. Critically, under the Christian dominion, the Ten Commandments act at the values, which Christians should observe. In the same way, Hitler’s Nazis used their commandments to institute political administration. The precepts followed by the Christian fundamentalist will, in the same manner as Hitler’s Nazis abolish trade union, secular law, public schools among other institutions, which do not embrace the Christian virtues. The fear is the precepts the fundamentalists have stood for. The Christian fundamentalists have penetrated their ways into the House of Representatives. Further, th ese fundamentalists hold majority of the seats. Christian fundamentalist movements have demonstrated 80 percent approval to the activities or debates conducted by the House of Representatives3. The House of Representative is critical to social development of the nation because it influences the social order, which the society adapts. This means that when the majority of the house is Christian fundamentalist, then they would pass laws, which will institute the harsh fundamentalist interpretation of the religious movement. Consequently, Americans will be subject to Christian norms. Hedges posit that the foundation of totalitarian movements is economic and personal despair. It is observable that United States is in despair thereby giving chance for Christian fascists to penetrate the political system with the ideologies. These ideologies are similar to Hitler’s Nazis because they do not only purport to restore the society from its sinful nature but argues in favor of the strict Christian virtues. The trends observed in the American job market or the social life needs a solution. However, the argument made by the Christian fascists tends to present a notion that seeks to revamp the current system. Christian Right and neo- conservatives-pragmatic politicos have formed a formidable alliance, which supports the rise of New American World Order System. The fear about the alliance is that the liberals may have the space to or voice their opinions about the political system that the nation should take, but it shall not have powers to institute laws which can protect ordinary individual from the precepts of the Christian fundamentalists. Hedges argued that challenging New World Order System would be hollow because political representatives backing the Christian Right are the majority. This means that opponents of the Christian fascism will not have any opportunity to influence the political system. Some American political leaders have demonstrated that they suppor t the Christian fundamentalists. Hitler’s Nazi used the political power to maim the society and execute its own precepts. While many might view the issue as a far fetched opinion that has no bearing, Hedges has pointed on the influence that the system would have to masses. Ideally, when majority has embraced the precepts of the system, the opponents of the system will be subject to dire criticism. Further, the situation might blow out of proportion because

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organized Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organized Crime - Research Paper Example Keywords: organized crime, criminal behavior, business organization, profit Description or definition of organized crime Organized crime could be defined or described in such a way there would be involvement of people in illegal activities that are obviously for monetary gain, which could only be implemented by influencing others to join and intimidating, harming or killing those who get in their way. In other words, there is an inclusion of criminal organization which has the potential to put all possible crimes in order, so as to generate its entire advantage or benefit. What makes these kinds of criminal groups so powerful is due to the fact that they are highly have strong connection with legitimate businesses and political entities (Lyman & Potter, 2007). In other words, they have substantial power that would be enough to mobilize their entire machinery and force even if they would either be operating together or apart. These groups therefore should have adapted a powerful syste m that has the purpose of not destabilizing their entire organizational objectives, but rather obtaining them for them to perpetuate their staying in power. Organized crime can also be potentially defined based on evidences (Lyman & Potter, 2007). However Lyman and Potter point out that these could be subjected to different interpretations. This makes it hard enough to substantially define or describe organized crime without any presence of ambiguity or subjectivity. In fact, American debate existed for a long while whether organized crime really existed. However, there has been a productive way to look at the organized crime in detail. This can be implemented by understanding principles from legitimate business organizations (Mallory, 2007). After all, organized crime is highly concerned with monetary gain so it is not far from normal business organizations on how it exactly operates. What makes it however different from common business organizations is the presence of illegal acti vities and even heinous crimes if it would be necessary just to ensure achievement of its organizational objectives. My perception compared to the readings I perceived that this is how Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia and biker clubs operate. Their activities involved people for illegal actions in order to achieve monetary gain which could only be made possible if there is influential move, intimidation and killing from the part of groups which actually organized the crime. I think my perception based on the ideas presented in the textbooks is a bit more specific which needs to be interpreted from the general point of view of understanding organized crime. However, consistent with how the textbooks defined it, my perception about organized crime involves the idea of business and highly systematic and illegal ways of making profit. In other words, just as how the normal business operates, there is entirely no difference when it comes to how the organized crime functions. However, on how it acquired profitability may be a bit of an issue and this would substantially qualify organized crime as it is. A usual business organization following the law does not need to inflict any criminal means just to ensure achievement of profit. Although this might be too broad in context, as there are also typical organizations deliberately commit crimes such as tax evasions or avoidance, organized crime may be more systematic and should be identified on the nature or context of its

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Assignments - Essay Example Capacity refers to the number of units a facility is able to hold or to produce in a given span of time. Capacity available would refer to that which is at the disposal of the hospital and this is affected by among other factors: changes that are specific to the available capacity operations, the mix of different uses of the current available capacity and the speed and/or pace with which the workforce utilises this capacity. In measuring capacity, a unit standard of measure is often required, and in this case of St. Marks’s hospital beds resources are used. Capacity management involves capacity planning and this squarely falls on the duty responsibilities of the strategic planners in the organization. Its major aim in most organisations is to try and match the level at which the operations are taking place to that of the demand. It is carried out bearing in mind the future growth and the expansion plans of the organizations and also to a greater extent the market trend, in this case of the hospital, the patients’ trend. Normally with a fluctuation in demand, capacity planning becomes a tedious and a very unpredictable exercise. It is broadly concerned with the defining of both the short term and long term needs of an organization and finding means to satisfy them basing the decisions on the customer demands. This is done considering both the human and financial resources available to the organization. Usually, making capacity planning for the long term utilisation of resources is risky, uncertain and difficult in most organisations. This is mainly because a lot of changing parameters are to be considered for the planning process to have some accuracy. It involves major issues and those that would affect the organisation in a major way. Short term strategies on the other hand involving changes in a one year period are usually easier to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Grind Jackfruit Seeds as Substitute For Flour Essay Example for Free

Grind Jackfruit Seeds as Substitute For Flour Essay Abstract Jackfruit is quiet abundant in our country as a result, its seeds are just scattered and not use for other matters aside from that it can be planted again for another Jackfruit tree. Flour is a very important ingredient for every pastries we eat. But because of its high price, people dont buy or refuse to buy food that contains flour as one of itsingredient. The researcher discovered that Jacfruit seeds isrich in vitamins like complex, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins A,B and C. It contains minerals like Calcium, Zinc and Potassium which can help our body fight aging, diseases and to maintain its good posture. The researcher is aiming to produce a cheap but has a good quality flour or just an alternative for expensive flour. The researcher is focusing on its color, odor and taste. The researcher decided to make a flour out of the Jackfruit seeds. The methods involved are: preparations, washing of the seeds, drying under the sun which takes days because you have to assure that it is dry in the innermost part of the seed so that it will not stick into the grinder, roasting, getting the peelings, crushing and finally grinding. To test the product, the researcher made it into a hotcake. The hotcake was tasted by several people and they have good compliment about it. The researcher recommends it to bakery owners or people who uses flour as their source of income because its affordable, has a good quality and it can help to save a lot of money. Chapter I Introduction Background OF The Study Flour is a very important ingredient in making bread and the like. Many Filipinos of today likes to eat bread but becauseof increasing prices of flour, bread prices are also increasing. Commercial flour sometimes easily spoil or sometimes have worms on it. Instead of scattering jackfruit seeds, we may use it as source of flour. With this study, the researcher tries to produce a new product out of grind jackfruit seeds as flour for another substitution foe expensive commercial flour. Helping businessman, flour factory owners and bakery owners to save more money, less effort, time and have a good quality product. Statement Of The Problem This study is all about The Feasibility Of Grind JackfruitSeeds As Substitution For Flour. Flour is very useful because it has many uses specially in making food. Bakery owners have problems in their budget for flour because she realized that aside from planting seeds, we can use it as flour which is cheaper but with good qualities like the commercial ones and it is easily produces or gathered. This study tries to answer the following questions: 1.Does the jackfruit flour qualities is the same with commercial ones in terms of color, odor, and taste? 2. Does the jackfruit flour last longer (expiration date) than the commercial ones? 3. Does it still produces worms? Hypothesis There is difference between jackfruit flour and commercial flour in terms of color, odor and taste. Significance Of The Study The significance of the study is that it can help bakery owners or other people which uses flour as their business. They can save more money out of it and have enough budget for it. It also help the environment and it alsointroduces new product in food industry. Some people scatter the seeds everywhere which may develop pollution to our environment, we can use and sell as our business. Scope and Limitation In this study the researcher is focusing on the qualities of grind jackfruit seeds as flour. It tries to help improve commercial flour in terms in time of spoilage. There are no other chemicals or additive mixed with the grind jackfruit seeds as flour. The researcher used very ripejackfruit seeds so that it will have a very good taste. In this study, the researcher use the grind jackfruit seeds as flour in baking cake in proving the study. Definition of Terms Flour- is a powder made up of cereal grains. Main ingredient of bread. Grind- to crush to powder or tiny pieces by friction Jackfruit- is a species of mulberrry family native to parts of South and Southeast Asia. A huge spined, oval fruit that is believed to have been first cultivated in Indian rainforests. CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature This study is an unfinished study of the brother of the researcher. The researcher realized that it is very interesting and it answers the economic price of flour in the market. Jackfruit is abundant in some regions of the Philippines but still we can see it anywhere and we can plant it anywhere as long as there is soil. We can also buy it from the market bit its quite high in cost so better to have a tree of your own. Jackfruit seeds are very rich source of complex, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins A,B and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, zinc,and potassium. It also contains lignans, isoflavones, saponins that fights cancer. It also serves as anti-aging, anti-oxidant and anti-ulcer. So it proves that it is very nutritious and affordable rather than commercial flour. The researcher had read an article about a Brazilian Researcher Jose AmadoAlves who created a process for dehydrating and transforming fruits, vegetables and tubernacles into flour. Alves tested bananas,guavas,apples, pineapples, paw-paw and passion fruit. The process consists of dehydrating and grinding the fruit peel, pulp or both together. CHAPTER III Materials: jackfruit seeds basin frying pan stove A. The Making of the Jackfruit Flour In making the jackfruit flour, first the researcher will gather all the materials.The researcher will let the jackfruit seeds dry under the heat of the sun. The researcher will roast the jackfruit seeds usibg the frying pan. Afterwards, she will get the thin peelings of the seeds then crushed into small pieces and finally, grind it into the grinder. PROCEDURES: 1. She will let the Jackfruit seeds dry under the heat of the sun for several days. 2. The researcher will roast the jackfruit seeds using the frying pan. 3. She will get the thin peelings of the jackfruit seeds. 4. The researcher will crush the seeds. 5. Finally, she will put the crushed seeds into the grinder. B. Observation In the researchers observation. She observed that the product is not the same with the product of commercial flour. The taste, color and odoris not the same. CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion In this chapter, you can read the results of the experimentation conducted by the researcher. Together in this chapter is the discussion of the results The data below are the results observed by the researcher. TRIAL 1 According to the data, the commercial flour and jackfruit flour have different characteristics in terms of smell, color and taste The names listed below are the people who were able to taste the product of the researcher. Including their comment about it. According to the comments of the people, the product of the researcher has a good characteristics in terms of its taste, color and odor. CHAPTER V Recommendation and Conclusion Recommendation: The researcher recommends it to all people especially to bakery owners or people uses flour as their source of income.Aside from that its affordable, its very nutritious and very rich sourch of vitamins. Conclusion: I therefore conclude that grind jackfruit seeds is capable of producing high quality flour which has very different characteristics compared to the commercial ones. BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher is offering this study to her family. For the support,effort and financial assistance.Also to her research teacher, MS. BALVE GRANIDO who encourges us to have more research and effort. Her classmates and friends who gave their full support. And of course, with out the guidance and love of our Almighty God, the researcher cant accomplised this study.

Complexometric Determination Essay Example for Free

Complexometric Determination Essay Introduction Using a Lewis base neutral molecule to donate electron pairs (ligands) to a Lewis acid metal ion center to form a single cluster (complex) ion. When the complex ions forms with a metal ion (chelation) the ligand used is called the (chelating agent). EDTA acts as a great chelating agent due to the Nitrogen and Oxygen donating an electron pair to the metal ion center to form an octahedral complex. The metal ions especially with a +2 charge or higher are the reason for water hardness to form on various objects known as â€Å"scum†. Calcium ions are typically the most common contributing factor for water hardness so this experiment uses CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate) to analyze the hardness of an unknown sample. A scale of water hardness identifies â€Å"soft† water with a value less than 60 ppm (parts per million) and â€Å"hard† water with a value more than 200 ppm. 3 mL of ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer (pH 10) is added to the mixture prior to the titration to capture the calcium metal ions so the indicator can work properly. The experiment adds 4 drops of Eriochrome Black T as the indicator to visually see the color change as complexes are formed and the solution undergoes chelation of metal impurities. The color change from indicator starts as pink and changes to a violet then light blue color to signify the chemical phase changes throughout the reaction until the endpoint. 3 titrations are experimentally conducted to calculate the mean average of the Na2 EDTA for experimental accuracy. The EDTA mean average is then used to calculate the water hardness of an unknown water sample (#97) using 3 more titrations to calculate a mean average of the unknown water sample. An absolute deviation is calculated for each titration experiment to calculate the experimental estimated precision. The final experimental result is then compared to the city of Tempe standard for water hardness and acceptable standards. Principle (Spurlock, 2014) (Spurlock, 2014) â€Å"A complex ion is an ion containing a central metal cation bonded to one or more molecules or ions† (Chang, 2013). Just like complex ions, a ligand is a molecule or ion that is bonded to the metal ion in a complex ion (Chang, 2013). A chelating agent is a substance that forms complex ions with metal ions in a solution (Chang, 2013). The process of the chelating agent forming is called chelation. E.D.T.A. (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a common chelating agent that will be used in this experiment to chelate the metal ions. Tetraamminecopper (II) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ will be the complex ion in this lab experiment. In chapter 11.1-3 the â€Å"Kinetic Molecular Theory† is being tested in this experiment (Chang, 2013). Solids are denser than liquids and allow very little empty space to exist between molecules limiting the freedom of motion. The liquids are less dense than solids, held closely together with little space between molecules (less than solids), however, the mo lecules in liquid do not break away from the attractive forces allowing them to move past each other freely. Gases are the least dense and have the largest amount of distance between molecules allowing them to move around more freely. According to the theory, the experimental Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen ions are able to quickly attract and find the metal ion in the liquid by donating their electron pair to the metal ion center creating the complex. These complex ions in the experiment use intermolecular and intramolecular forces to break and hold chemical bonds thru the experimental process of chelation to identify the hardness of the unknown sample. After the reaction is complete, when evaporation and or vaporization of the liquid and gas in the molecules is separated the remaining metal impurities known as â€Å"scum† are left. In chapter 4.1 hydration is used to orient the negative poles of the diatomic gases to the positive pole of the Hydrogen and metal impurities in the solution creation the complex cluster. Chapter 4 is also used for titration of redox reactions using a standard solution (Na2 EDTA) to add into another solution of unknown concentration (unknown sample + ammonia/ammonium  chloride buffer + Eriochrome Black T) until the equivalence point is reached (has fully reacted) as visually identified by the indicators (Eriochrome Black T) from the color change of pink to violet to blue. Procedure 1. â€Å"Prepare about 500mL of approximately 0.004M disodium EDTA solution. To prepare your solution, weigh out 0.7-0.8g of Na2EDTA and dissolve in about 500mL deionized water in your plastic bottle. Seal the bottle and shake vigorously for a few minutes to dissolve the salt. 2. Standardize the Na2EDTA solution using a stock calcium ion solution as the primary standard: a. Use a 10-mL transfer pipet to add 10.00 mL of standardized calcium ion stock solution (1.000g CaCO3/L solution) to a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. b. Add about 30 ml of deionized water to this titration flask. c. Add a magnetic stir-bar, place on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. A piece of white paper under the flask gives good contrast for easier detection of the indicator color change. d. Inside the fume hood, add about 3mL of ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer (pH 10). The buffer is an inhalation irritant. Stir for 30 seconds. e. Just prior to titrating the flask, add four drops of Eriochrome Black T indicator solution. Continue stirring for another 30 seconds and then titrate this solution with your disodium EDTA solution within 15 minutes. f. Slow down your titration near the endpoint, as the color change takes 3-5 seconds to develop. At the end point, the color changes from pink to violet to blue. If you feel unsure whether you’ve reached your endpoint, read and record the volume delivered and then add another drop of titrant to check for a complete color change. g. Repeat this titration two more times. Calculate the molarity of your disodium EDTA from each titration. Average your molarities from the three trials and calculate your precision. 3. Choose one prepared unknown water sample as provided. Record the unknown code in your notebook, then titrate this water sample with your standardized disodium EDTA solution: a. Transfer 25.00mL of the prepared water sample to a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. b. Add about 20ml of DI water to the titration flask. c. Add a magnetic stir-bar. Place the flask on a magnetic stirrer and begin stirring. d. Inside the fume hood, add about 3mL of ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer (pH 10). Stir for 30 seconds. e. Just prior to titrating,  add four drops of Eriochrome Black T Indicator solution to your flask. Continue stirring for another 30 seconds and then titrate this solution with your standardized disodium EDTA solution within 15 minutes. f. Repeat this titration twice more. Calculate the hardness (mg CaCO3/L) of the prepared water sample from each of your titrations. Calculate your average hardness and your experimental precision from the three trials. 4. Compare your results to the expected range for municipal water hardness. Check your city’s water quality lab website (e.g.† (Complexometric Determination of Water Hardness Lab, n.d.). Observations Upon adding the preparing the Na2EDTA solution the Na2EDTA solid was quickly dissolved into the DI water to create a clear solution. Later on in the procedure stage of adding the ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer into the 250 mL flask, a visual chemical reaction was observed as the ammonia buffer was mixing into the flask with CaCO3 and the unknown solution in both procedures. Upon adding the Eriochrome Black T indicator the color was visually changed from clear to light pink in both procedures. During titration of both procedures the visual color change was observed from light see-through pink to see-through violet when the process was close to ending, then from see-through violet to see-through light blue signaling then end of the reaction process.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Byzantine times: The effect on women

Byzantine times: The effect on women An average woman in the fifth and sixth centuries of the Byzantine Empire did not have a big role in public society.  [1]  In fact, it was common for her to not be seen in public at all. It was standard for Byzantine women to get married around twelve to thirteen years old due to an arranged marriage chosen by her parents. Once married she spent most of her time at home. Occasionally a woman was allowed to leave her home to attend to church, festivals, marriages, births, visit relations, or go to public baths. These were the only activities in society acceptable where a woman could to leave her house.  [2]  However, if a woman must venture outside, she must have her face covered by a veil at all times and be accompanied by a man. Though veils were rarely shown in Byzantine artwork, this was a social standard for women. The wearing of veils often represented the difference between an honest women and a prostitute.  [3]   Even in her own home, a Byzantine woman had to endure gender inequalities. During meals she was not allowed to dine with men foreign of her relations. More often than not, she would be eating alone separate from men.  [4]  For her education, she was taught skills only useful for a house wife. If a woman was in middle to upper class, she was usually taught to read, write, and sing.  [5]  Women of royalty however, were given the opportunity to study medicine and natural sciences with scholars in their courts.  [6]  Nevertheless education was usually second quality compared to the education given to men. Women could easily be described as cloistered as prisoners, though her prison walls were only the invisible judgments and rules cast by society.  [7]   Most women could not participate in politics. A woman could not even testify in court for fear that her testimonial would be easily influenced by her husband or brother. It is only in rare cases where a man was not involved that a woman could testify.  [8]  Despite what little influence and respect women had in public society, through home life a woman could still easily influence her own husband, sons, brothers, and other male relations in her home life.  [9]  This influence could be subtle in a small Byzantine family or extremely considerable if she was the wife of the emperor. Unlike men who could rise up to a political position through military, or the church, for a women to gain political power she had either be born or marry into aristocracy. Born in 399 A.D, Empress Pulcheria was the eldest daughter of Emperor Arcadius.  [10]  She was a devoted Christian that paved her way into power through her influence over her younger brother Theodosios II. She eventually received the title of Augusta (Empress) which was the highest position a woman of relation to the Emperor could aspire to.  [11]  Pulcheria was just two years older than Theodosios II but had a great influence over him all his life. Though Pulcheria was the eldest born into royalty, she did not have much power as she would if she had been born male. Even with this gender disadvantage, she was extremely intelligent. At the age of 16, she swore a vow of chastity and also influenced her younger sisters to do the same.  [12]  This was a way to sustain power that would be lost if she was forced into marriage as well as stop the competition to her brothers throne.  [13]  The reasoning she gave for her actions was due to her Christian fate, comparing the Vi rgin Mary as her heavenly counterpart.  [14]  Figure 1 depicts an ivory relief known as The Translation of Relics Ivory dating around the year 420 A.D.  [15]  and was acquired by the Trier Cathedral in 1844.  [16]  The carving measure 13.1 x 26.1 x 2.3 cm and has been cut to a depth of 2 cm  [17]  . The Byzantines loved ivory and usually imported it from India and Africa. The ivory of this specific piece has been speculated to have been imported from Africa do to its larger size.  [18]  The Translation of Relics Ivory depicts a procession of people in the streets followed by two priests riding a chariot pulled by mules. Leading this procession is an Emperor holding a candle and ready to receive the relics is an Empress holding a cross in front of church doors. In the background are onlookers cheering waving incense and a church which is still under construction, still being complete for the relics to be place into. For many years, the protagonists in this relief have been unidentifiable. Historians have compared the lives of Justin II, Maurice, and Phocas and their wives but found no historical evidence which relates them to this scene.  [19]  In the late 70s, The Translation of Relics Ivory has been identified by historians, Kenneth G. Holum and Gary Vikan that the characters in this relief are likely Empress Pulcheria, her brother Emperor Theodosios II and the relics given are the bones of Saint Stephen. The historians deducted this from written evidence of a chronicler of the ninth century named Theophanes Confessor. In his narrative he wrote: Under the influence of the blessed Pulcheria, the pious Theodosius sent a rich donation to the archbishop of Jerusalem for distribution to the needy, and also a golden cross studded with precious stones to be erected on Golgotha. In exchange for these gifts, the archbishop dispatched relics of the right arm of Stephen Protomaryr, in the care of St. Passarion [Pulcheria] arose taking her brother with her and went to greet the holy relics. Receiving them into the palace, she founded a splendid chapel for the holy Protomartr, and in it she deposited the holy relics.  [20]   The narrative matched perfectly with the description of The Translation of Relics Ivory as well as another found narrative which proved that the bones of Saint Stephen had in fact appeared outside Jerusalem that time in December 416 and later went under control of the bishop.  [21]  The church under construction is believed to be a church of St. Stephen.  [22]  An interesting detail to The Translation of Relics Ivory is the composition of the piece. The entire focus of the image is on Pulcheria rather than the Emperor Theodosios II, her brother. Even Theodosios relief is still a bit further back than hers, as he is standing right next to her. This is a huge representation of Pulcherias power as she is the center of attention opposed to the Emperor himself. In her lifetime, Pulcheria had commissioned several new churches, most dedicated to her patron saint the Virgin Mary. It was well known that Virgin Mary deeply impacted her life to staying openly celibate for God. However during the fifth century the Virgin Mary was not a major figure in Constantinople.  [23]  Her choice for the Virgin Mary as her patron was not to advance women but simply get rid of the stigma that women were the curse of eve, a curse which claimed that women where responsible for original sin.  [24]  It was also due to Pulcherias influence that the Virgin Mary would be again be known not just as the Mother of Christ (christotokos) but the Mother of God ( theotokos) when the statement was overturned.  [25]  Pulcherias most well-know church to the Virgin Mary is the Church of Saint Mary of Blacherne , which has also been depicted in literature with names such as the Panagia of Blachernae and the Blachernae Monastery. The church started construction in 450 A.D. and was finished by her husband Marcian after Pulcherias death in 453 A.D.  [26]  The church was built around a pre-existing sacred spring called the Ayazma of Blacherne.  [27]  It is also said that Christians of Jerusalem had contributed a robe that belonged to the Virgin Mary as a relic for the church,  [28]  though other sources state that the robe was stolen.  [29]  Figure 2 shows the church before its second fire, and Figure 3 shows the current modern church after being rebuilt. The church focused around images of the Virgin Mary, which led to much destruction of its icons during the reign of Constantine V.  [30]  The church first burnt down in 1070 from a fire but was rebuilt again using its old floor plans.  [31]  The church was completely burnt down yet again in 1434, this time from a careless fire caused by children chasing pigeons on its roofs.  [32]  By the time Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae no longer existed and the people of Constantinople had to turn to different mediums for the protection Virgin Marys icons.  [33]   Figure 3 shows Icon of the Virgin Blachernitissa. In 626 A.D., the Blachernitissa was credited for the protecting the city from an Avar attack as well as an Arab siege in 717. Thus this relics reputation grew to be known as a powerful Byzantine talisman of protection and was kept in the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae.  [34]  Though the figure head of this icon was a woman, it had huge veneration. The term Blachernitissa was a type of representation of the Virgin Mary named after the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae.  [35]  The icon shows Mary within it and was held in the Church of Saint Mary of Blachernae. The piece was also within the church during its 1434 fire and was thought to be destroyed. It was a talisman that represented the protection of the citys walls.  [36]  Its absence was believed to be the reason why the Ottoman Turks succeeded their invasion only 19 years later. The year 730 was the start of the first iconoclastic period lasing until 787.  [37]  It started with Emperor Leo III, who reigned from 717-740. The Iconoclasts believed that icons where evil and led to the misinterpretation of the Catholic religion. As the Iconoclasts resorted back into symbols and scripture, they tore down icons, thinking them as heresy to their religion. When Leo III died in 740, his son Constantine V continued the ban of during his reign in 741-775.  [38]  It was during Constantine Vs reign, that the Church of St. Mary of Blachernae was attacked by iconoclasts. Constantine V ordered the destruction of the interior mosaics that represented a New Testament cycle and replaced them with vegetal ornaments and pictures of birds.  [39]  It was fortunate however that the Icon of the Virgin Blachernitissa was hidden from destruction at this time. This first Iconoclastic period was stopped by Empress Irene. Irene acted in the name of her son Constatine VI, who was too young to rule at the time. She created and ordered the Second Council of Nicea, which supported Iconophiles.  [40]  As Iconophiles, they believed that images were also representing their religion and they were not wrong in using them. The Council condemned the opposition to icons as heresy. It is through Irenes actions of the revival of icons that she earned the title of Saint in the Greek Orthodox Church. The second iconoclastic period lasted 814-842. This time it was Emperor Leo V (reigning from 813-820) who instated this new wave of iconoclasm. It was speculated that it was to cure the recent military failure. Emperors Michael II and Theophilus who succeeded him were also iconoclasts. However after Theophilus died, he was succeeded by his son Michael III. Michael at the time was too young to reign so his mother Theodora acted as a regent for him. Similar to Irene, Theodora was an iconodule and was able to proclaim the restoration of icons. Now ever since the revival of icons, the first Sunday of Lent is celebrated as the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Figure 4 shows the Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, a painting that was painted on a wooden panel covered with gesso and linen. Its medium was egg tempera and gold leaf.  [41]  The center of the painting is a portrait of the Virgin Mary, said to be painted by St. Luke. Empress Theodora and her son, Emperor Michael III, appear on the left o f the portrait. On the right are three monks with the Patriarch Methodios. This painting was painted more than 500 years after the end of iconoclasm during the time when the Byzantine Empire was under threat of invasion by the Ottoman Turks.  [42]  Again as it is not usually common for a woman to be in the painting, Empress Theodora is shown next to her son in royal robes. Though she is not next to them, Theodora is shown at the same level as the bishops. In the center of the painting is the Blachernitissa, the Virgin Mary and child. The Virgin Mary was a celebrated icon of her woman status. It is not surprising that Irene and Theodora were iconophiles. Since the average Byzantine woman was housebound for the majority of their lives, most had a special dedication to religious practices involving icons.  [43]  It might be due to their life style that women where the most affected when their precious icons where taken away. The influence women had and their relations to art during the Byzantine Empire shown to be very important. It is through the influence of the empresses Pulcheria, Irene and Theodora that impacted artwork despite a judgmental and men-driven environment that shadowed their lives. It is as fascinating and influential as the works themselves that these women were able to influence the Byzantine public and the artwork. Is Bitcoin the Best Cryptocurrency? Is Bitcoin the Best Cryptocurrency? Is Bitcoin the most practical form of cybercurrency? In 2009, the world was forever changed when an anonymous individual that goes by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to a new form of currency: the bitcoin. A bitcoin is a form of cybercurrency that cannot be traced to the person that purchases them.   Through the introduction of the bitcoin, several other companies have released their form of cybercurrency. These newer currencies range from the â€Å"Litecoin† to the â€Å"Dogecoin†. While bitcoin has been the figurehead of the cyber-coin movement, there are several other notable and more efficient â€Å"altcoins† as they are referred to: the ever popular â€Å"Dogecoin† for the online â€Å"memer† community, the Litecoin, a more efficient version of the Bitcoin, the â€Å"Ripple†, the â€Å"Ethereum† cryptocurrency, and â€Å"Dash† are all widely accepted cryptocurrencies that are taking the world by storm. The Bitcoin was one of the first forms of cryptocurrency that gained notoriety. Bitcoins are not a form of tangible currency; they are not connected to banks in any way, shape or form. There are no transaction fees and no way that a Bitcoin can be traced back to someone that purchases them. Merchants are beginning to accept bitcoins as a new method of payment, ranging from food, trips to the hair salon, and even illegal products on the internet! To acquire a bitcoin, people purchase them on a multitude of cryptocurrency exchange market websites. Transfers are relatively simple; People can easily transfer their bitcoins among each other by using mobile apps or their computers. People are also capable of â€Å"mining† for bitcoins, where individuals solve complex math problems, which is how Bitcoins are made. However, Bitcoins are kind of shady; If an everyday person was to invest in purchasing some Bitcoins, the only thing that protects their cryptocurrency is a Blockchain that you need to enable. This means that virtually anyone that has hacking experience can take that person’s Bitcoins if they do not take the necessary steps to protect them. Granted, the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions and purchases make it somewhat secure, but anyone that solves the complex mathematical equations is probably able to hack into an unsuspecting person’s account.[1] The Bitcoin is one, if not the most popular form of cryptocurrency. However, there are a vast majority of other â€Å"altcoins† that seem to be up-and-coming. Someday, these â€Å"altcoins† may end up surpassing the Bitcoin in terms of use. One of these cryptocurrencies is known as the â€Å"Dogecoin†. The â€Å"Dogecoin† is a growing altcoin in today’s era of cryptocurrencies. The â€Å"Dogecoin† is â€Å"a peer-to-peer digital currency, favored by Shiba Inus worldwide†. It works very similarly to the Bitcoin; however, it has the Doge internet meme as the face of the currency. This altcoin caters to the meming community of the internet, which is how it advertises to its patrons. To sell their altcoins, they advertise that people that use this form of currency are in a tight-knit community, which has a Reddit sub-thread; they also explain that it is seamless to set up an account to transfer and store Dogecoins. The creators of Dogecoin also create a video that explains the origin of this meme-ridden cryptocurrency in a ninety second video, which was incredibly hard to stomach, for a multitude of reasons (I will be sure to provide the link for you somewhere; viewer discretion is advised). This altcoin is for the people of the internet that everyone collectively hates on. However, the currency is efficient, fun, and very similar to the Bitcoin. Although they have a section on their website dedicated to teaching patrons about the origin of doge, it is an ingenious selling point, as most memers just want to belong to something other than Reddit (Can you blame them? That community sucks). The Litecoin is another popular form of cryptocurrency.   Introduced in 2011 by Charles Lee, it is very similar to the Bitcoin; however, it is more practical in terms of security, and speed of transaction. The community of Litecoin also makes a point to stay united; the Litecoin community has also created forums, subreddits, and other networks. Litecoin also has a tab on their website dedicated for resources to the community. The resources tab was intended to allow their community to better understand the Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies and how they compare. Litecoin also utilizes a better form of Blockchain, a service which is considered to be the greatest software platform for digital assets. Wallet encryption is also a feature included in the Litecoin cryptocurrency; Litecoin requires that you provide a password for every transaction you encounter when utilizing the Litecoin. The password feature is useful, as it prevents theft from hacker or people that utilize bots to do t heir dirty work and also makes sure that you are positive that you need to spend your Litecoins. With any cryptocurrency, users are also allowed to mine for Litecoins, as long as they basically know rocket science. While the Litecoin is still up-and-coming, it seems to be quite secure. As of right now, it is the silver to Bitcoin’s gold.[2]   However, with more time and donations, the Litecoin could manage to surpass the success of the Bitcoin. It provides people with a significantly larger amount of coins in the economy, however, this could pose threats for inflation While this may pose a threat in the long run, the use of Litecoins seems to be practical. Overall, Litecoin is a practical and cheaper alternative to invest in, because it is cheaper to purchase and it is safer to utilize due to the use of mandatory passwords. One of the more unique forms of cybercurrency is the â€Å"ripple†. It is a form of cryptocurrency that works to connect of the economies together. The ripple works in tandem with banks. The reason the ripple works with banks is to transform how money is sent across the world, which they feel is a vital step in the advancement of economics, both international and nationally. Their company vision is to enable the â€Å"Internet or Value† to move value as fast as information travels across the internet. Traditionally, two banks would use a third bank as a middle-man to send money to each other. B including the â€Å"ripple solution† to this equation the third bank is eliminated from the process, resulting in a much more efficient system for transactions from bank to bank. The â€Å"ripple solution† also works to convey useful information and messages to both banks. The ILP ledger that the ripple service is run through, works to coordinate fund movements between institutions to settle the payment†[3]. Overall, the ripple system seems to be a practical form of cryptocurrency for everyday use. While it is not ideal for the pesky dark web users that require anonymous currency, it is a much simpler way for foreign transactions to occur, or even people that do not use the same bank to make a transaction. This is also the optimal form of cryptocurrency when dealing with foreign affairs because it is incredible secure; there is complete transaction privacy for each financial institution involved. Most banks do not operate on the same network, especially those in different countries. With the Ripple solution, banks on separate networks can transact directly. There is also an ability to connect traditional and emerging financial networks together, which is immensely useful in the modernizing and integrating of international economics. Another notable form of cryptocurrency is Ethereum. Ethereum was developed in Toronto, Canada by a nineteen-year-old programmer. Vitalik Buterin created Ethereum in 2011, after learning more about Bitcoins and other forms of cryptocurrency. He also created Bitcoin Magazine, an online news website about the cryptocurrency world.[4] Ethereum is one of the newer forms of cryptocurrencies on the market. The Ethereum Foundation has a similar view as the Ripple Foundation. â€Å"While bitcoin aims to disrupt PayPal and online banking, Ethereum has the goal of using a blockchain to replace internet third parties — those that store data, transfer mortgages and keep track of complex financial instruments†[5]. In short, the Ethereum Foundation’s long-term goal is to be a sort of world computer. â€Å"Although the apps appear to be possible, it’s unclear which blockchain applications will actually prove useful, secure, or scalable, and if they will ever be as convenient to use as the apps we use today† [6] The Ethereum Foundation uses a form of currency known as the â€Å"ether†. Ether are unique pieces of code that allow updates to the blockchain’s ledger.[7] The process behind obtaining and holding ether is similar to most forms of cryptocurrencies. First, there are varying levels of security and risks that you can take in the method of storage for ether. The first method is a desktop wallet to store ether. This form of storage requires the user to download a sort of blockchain, known as the â€Å"Ethereum client†-a copy of the entire Ethereum blockchain. The desktop wallet will also need to stay updated with transaction records.[8] The next type of storage is possible through a mobile device, typically a cell phone. The app that caters to the â€Å"light† users of Ethereum is incredibly convenient but equally as risky; light users rely on miners and other people involved in The Ethereum Foundation to verify transactions and secure their ether. If the light users lose their private keys, they will not be able to contact anyone to be able to access their ether, meaning they will ultimately lose all of the money they put into their account.[9] The next form of storage is through hardware. â€Å"These secure devices that can often be detached from the internet, and can sign transactions without being online†, meaning that although it is incredibly secure, this method can be incredibly irritating to deal with if the user is constantly out and about. The last form of storage a patron of the Ethereum Foundation can partake in is paper currency. In this method, the user carefully writes the private key and can securely store it in a deposit box or something similar.[10] While this is the most efficient way to utilize ether, it is also the most difficult method to secure and maintain. But how can users obtain ether? Ether can be purchased in person or on the internet from miners, or other users that desire to have their country’s recognized form of currency, or even other types of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, if users are looking to purchase ether in person, it should be in a highly-populated area, such as New York City or Toronto in order to find someone that also uses ether; in less populated areas, this is not necessarily an option. While Ethereum is a growing form of cryptocurrency. However, it is not considered to be one of the most secure or efficient. While it could develop to be something incredible, as of right now, the cryptocurrency advocates of the world deem it to be a little over-zealous. Ethereum is definitely on the right track to becoming one of the best forms of cryptocurrencies, but it has a lot of room for improvement. As of right now, J.P. Morgan Chase, Microsoft and Intel have all allied in order to make Ethereum’s goal easier—a â€Å"world computer†. â€Å"Dash† is another one of the most popular forms of cryptocurrency.   Its name conveniently combines the word â€Å"digital† and â€Å"cash† together (which is super nifty right? Names are always so original when their used in business or history.). It was designed for the honest, hardworking nerds out there. These miners that participate in the mining of this cryptocurrency mine for their fair share of Dash coins. However, unique to the Dash coin system, you need special hardware and computers to mine for the coins.[11] Another useful aspect of the Dash coin is that the transactions are allegedly instantaneous. This caters to people that value time. According to Dash coin, Bitcoin takes roughly an hour for the transaction to process. While the Bitcoin is the most popular form of cryptocurrency, it is not the most efficient or practical form of currency in a generalized sense. It is useful for a multitude of reasons: anonymity, for the people that are ashamed with their addiction to My Little Pony collectables, people that are too afraid to meet their drug dealers face-to-face, or those undercover cannibals that so desperately want to try a new body part (Eww. Still can’t wrap my head around this one). However, funds of the patrons that utilize the Bitcoin as their go-to form of cryptocurrency run the risk of it being stolen by hackers. Dogecoin is a light and comical approach for the cryptocurrencies that are becoming a widely popular global phenomenon. While at first it was a joke among the Reddit community, it grew into an ever-popular alternative cryptocurrency to the Bitcoin. While it may not be the most practical form of cryptocurrency. It is a very useful alternative on the steady rise. In time, it may even be able to pass the most popular coin—the Bitcoin. The Ripple Foundation really outdid themselves with their form of cryptocurrency. It is one of the most optimal forms of cryptocurrencies in order to simplify the way people bank with each other. By making Ripple the middleman between the banks, it creates communication and eliminates any ways that banks that transfer money between two banks would eliminate misconceptions or errors. Ethereum is the next most efficient cryptocurrency, although highly unlikely to fully be achieved within the next couple years. While several notable companies have allied with the Ethereum in an effort to expand their company, they have a long way to go in order to achieve their goals to create a â€Å"world computer†. However, the most efficient form of cryptocurrency seems to be the Litecoin. While it is not worth as much as the Bitcoin, it uses faster transaction times. The Litecoin also has a very friendly website. That instantly allows you to access their forums and helpful videos to better understand their cryptocurrency and other forms of cryptocurrencies, as well.   It is also very secure, while still being efficient. There are a multitude of ways to secure your currency, one of them being the useful password feature. Where Bitcoin makes it optional to secure your account, Litecoin makes it mandatory. Bibliography n.d. Bitcoin. Accessed May 12, 2017. n.d. Blockchain. Accessed May 12, 2017. n.d. Comparing Bitcoin to Litecoin. Accessed May 12, 2017. corporation, dogecoin. n.d. Dogecoin. Accessed May 12, 2017. Foundation, Ripple. n.d. Ripple. Accessed May 12, 2017. Hertig, Alyssa. n.d. How to use Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. —. n.d. What is Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. —. n.d. Who Created Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. n.d. How Ethereum Works. Accessed May 12, 2017. Networks, The Dash. n.d. Dash. Accessed May 12, 2017. Tal Yellin, Dominic Aratari, Jose Pagliery / CNNMoney. n.d. What is Bitcoin? Accessed May 12, 2017. 2017. What is a Bitcoin? May 12. n.d. What is the Best Cryptocurrency to Invest in Long Term and Why? Accessed May 12, 2017. n.d. What is the Litecoin? Accessed May 12, 2017. >[1] n.d. Bitcoin. Accessed May 12, 2017. >[2] n.d. Comparing Bitcoin to Litecoin. Accessed May 12, 2017. >[3] Foundation, Ripple. n.d. Ripple. Accessed May 12, 2017. [4] —. n.d. Who Created Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. >[5] —. n.d. What is Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. >[6] n.d. How Ethereum Works. Accessed May 12, 2017. >[7] ibid [8] ibid [9] Hertig, Alyssa. n.d. How to use Ethereum. Accessed May 12, 2017. [10] ibid [11] Networks, The Dash. n.d. Dash. Accessed May 12, 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Intellectual Property Rights and the Piracy War in China Essay

Introduction With a population of 1.357 billion (2013)3, China is the most populated country in the world. Along with the huge population comes a market that is unmatched by any other country of the world. Both domestic companies and foreign companies want to tap into this large market that just recently embraced capitalism and entered into the World Trade Organization. China also provided a labor force that is able to tackle both white-collar and blue-collar job positions. This made foreign companies rush both monetary and technological resources into China to utilize the manufacturing and development power. Both Microsoft and Sun have created research and development centers to implement and design software applications in China. Domestic companies are not far behind either, for example, China's own Evermore Software is on the rise to challenge Microsoft's office suite with its own.4 With the boom of technology in China and the new capitalism ideas, China also has a huge piracy problem. According to the International Intellectual Property Alliance's 2003 report on China, the piracy problem in China creates $1.85 billion in 2002 alone with 90% piracy rates for all copyrighted materials.5 This piracy problem affects negatively on China's global relations and economic improvements. China's current copyright laws are still in its teenage years, and the fast pace of technological advancement isn't helping either. In this paper, I will attempt to describe the piracy problem in China, discuss how the Chinese government is dealing with it, present the global effect, and finally arrive at what would be an ethical solution to piracy fitting for China's situation. The Piracy Problem Asia... .../ch.html#top 4. Joris Evers, IDG News Service, Chinese company to challenge Microsoft's Office, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17. International Intellectual Protection Association Country Paper on China 13. Fan Zhang and Dennis Xie, Chinese Copyright Protection Has Storied History, Strong Future, 14. Cheng-China Huang, A Brief Chronology of China's Intellectual Property Protection, 15. The Copyright Law of China, 16. Copyright Protection Center of China, 18. June 11, 2002, People's Daily,

Androgynous Hate :: Marilyn Manson Rock Essays

Androgynous Hate â€Å"Please proceed, only if you are prepared to confront Satan himself,† warns a Christian web site devoted to educating Christian youth on today’s hot-button issues such as pornography and pre-marital sex (Christian Family Network). But what the authors of this web page are referring to is not the abandonment of morals by today’s teens. They are naming a singular music artist to be a current incarnation of the primal evil; they refer to the man born as Brian Warner, but known by teenagers everywhere as Marilyn Manson. Marilyn Manson fronts a music rock band of the same name that in no uncertain terms preaches hate for everything: hate for family, hate for government, hate for society, hate for religion, and to some, the most threatening of all, hate for self. â€Å"I’d hate the hater, I’d rape the raper,† screams Manson on the opening track of his Anti-Christ Superstar album (Manson). Appropriately titled â€Å"Irresponsible Hate Anthem,à ¢â‚¬  this song characteristically lashes out criminals and victims alike, his message leaving nothing but battered psyches in its wake. Visual images projected by the band use death, grotesque rotting flesh, evil countenances and androgynous sexuality to shock and revolt. At one concert a hermaphroditic Manson dons a gas mask whose air supply is attached to his two guitarists’ penises. If a fan cannot get to a concert, they need not fear. Simply load Marilyn’s latest album, Holywood, into a computer and those with an Internet connection are treated to a multi-media presentation of a human brain being removed in an autopsy. Like a Sam Rami horror movie, the viewer cannot quite believe what they are seeing and watches with the same rapt fascination reserved for a train wreck or airplane crash. It is hard to imagine that this is anything more than an act, but the Church of Satan takes it seriously. The Church made Marilyn Manson an honorary Reverend saying that he is â€Å"the most satanic performer in popular music today,† (MTV News). This dubious accolade seems to fit Manson fine, as he currently prefers to be addressed as â€Å"Reverend.† Marilyn Manson uses this revolting imagery coupled with an unacceptable message of hate to sell record albums, however, he truly feels marginalized by society. That Marilyn Manson has an intentionally shocking presentation goes without saying. But this satanic superstar has another side; a subtle, darker, humanity constantly wounded by media hounding and the overt repulsion displayed by everyone, including his fans.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Benefits of Animal Testing are Too Great to Stop Essay -- essays r

Animal Testing Animal testing began when William Harvey used animals 400 years ago to find out how blood circulated through the body. The "modern" era of animal research however started about 150 years ago with the rise of physiology as a science. It was very different back then. There were no anesthetics or effective painkillers, so the animals suffered a great deal, as did patients. Scientists learned that putting animals, or humans through that type of torture was inhumane. Consider having to have a leg amputated, which was not uncommon in those days due to the fact that infections got very severe without the use of antibiotics, without even so much as an anesthetic to control the pain. Now the treatment is there to help the pain, so neither human nor animal has to go through the excess undue strain. Through all the new medical technology still there will be people who disagree with animal testing. Animal testing provides many benefits that looked over most of the time. One of the most common q uestions is, â€Å"why are animals used in research?† The answer to that question can be broken down into three separate categories. The first reason for animal testing is to advance in scientific understanding. The likelihood of achieving the significant advances we have today in scientific understanding or the prevention and treatment of diseases is very low without the use of animal testing. Through the testing researchers are able to find out problems in humans and even in other animals. Another reason the testing is used is because it develops solutions to medical problems. More than half the animals that have been tested on have succeeded in finding a cure for the human race. The third is to protect the safety of people, animals ... ape with a tube in its skull than it is to unite behind a defenseless woman. It is important and even very crucial that such people as disabled people defend animal testing. For example we can return to both the medical and social conditions of what are now thankfully in the past. Doesn’t it make more sense for one to test on chimps before people? In the past, disabled people were used as medical guinea pigs. Call me an animal-hating barbarian, but I would rather use animals than my fellow mental types. (Newsweek 2005) In all, animal testing helps research science. Animal rights activists can argue their points until the end, yet in a matter of their life or their families lives, more than half of them would have to contest and say that they would rather have an animal be tested for something before their family member. It is done in humane ways and is reliable.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Factors Affecting Food Selection Essay

1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to analyse the 4 main types factors that affect the food selection of adolescents and how each of these factors affect their diets. As a result of examining various internet websites and books about this topic, this report describes the 4 types of factors that affect food selection and the factors that influence the food selection of teenagers the most. Consuming food is vital for adolescents since they aren’t fully developed yet, and what they eat is influenced by various factors. The main types of factors are psychological, physiological, social, and economic factors, and each of them influence what choices people make when it comes to food. Over the past 20 years, teenagers have adopted the habit of consuming a lot of junk food, due to the influence of many economic, psychological, physiological and social factors. As time goes on, the factors that affect the food choices of adolescents may change. Overview of social factors Social factors that affect food selection refer to the cultures and societies that adolescents live in, along with how the interaction with other people greatly influence the food choices that they make. One of the reasons why social factors has a significant influence on adolescents is because their attitudes and habits relating to food usually develop through the interaction with their peers, friends and families. Social factors that have a great impact on the food selection of adolescents are the media, and their peers. Read more:Â  Factors that influence child development essay 2.1 Peer Influences A peer is a person that has the same social status, and is around the same age as another person. The influence of peers is the greatest in adolescence. the reason for this is because like fashion, trends come and go in the food industry. For adolescents, being ‘cool’ and being accepted among their peers is vital, so they usually follow the food trends that the majority of the group follow for that sake. Although, this causes them to disregard their parent’s influence on what they should and should not eat. In today’s society, teenagers are influenced by their peers to eat at popular fast food outlets such as Mcdonalds, since it’s a popular food trend among them. This affects them in a negative way since the food that is sold at these outlets can have poor nutritional values. This causes an increase in diet related diseases in teenagers such as type 2 diabetes, and according to the Department of Health and Aging, type 2 diabetes i s becoming more common in younger age groups. 2.2 Media In affluent societies, the media plays a significant role in food selection for adolescents. This is because they are exposed to the thousands of food advertisements on a daily basis. There are advertisements nearly everywhere they go, such as on television, the internet, school buses, radios, and magazines, so adolescents will be tempted to eat the product that is being advertised. The negative effect of these advertisements is that they are advertising food that is high in sugar, salt, and fat so they aren’t ideal for meeting their nutritional requirements. The media is one of the many factors responsible for the unhealthy lifestyles in teenagers and according to the Department of Health and Aging, 25% of children and adolescents were either overweight or obese in 2007-08, and to this day, this percentage has increased. 2.3 Education Education about food and nutrients is essential for adolescents, since it helps them to become more knowledgeable and educated about their options when it comes to food selection and the nutritional requirements of their age group. Also, teenagers that are informed about this will most likely make better and wiser food choices than those who don’t, although this all depends on whether the person is able to apply the knowledge into their everyday lives. Furthermore, adolescents that have the knowledge and skills to prepare their own food are also more likely to make better and wiser food choices. The reason for this is because making a meal from scratch can prevent buying prepared meals from fast food outlets, and home-cooked meals have a higher nutritional value than preprepared meals. Overview of psychological factors Psychological factors are linked with an individual’s emotions, and their thoughts. The psychological factors that affect a person’s food selection vary from individual to individual, since they are based on their lifestyle and childhood. They are also hard to describe and some factors even have a continuous influence on an individual (E.g. Beliefs, values.) while others can change each day. (E.g. Attitudes, self esteem). Psychological factors that are significant in the food selection of adolescents are beliefs, experiences and self-concept. 3.1 Self concept Self concept is how individuals feel about themselves (Also known as self esteem) and the way the see their body image. Self concept can change over time, or even a few times a day. E.g. A compliment can boost your self esteem. Over the past few years, people as young as 11 have started to become dissatisfied with their body image, especially females. The reason for this is because the media has presented teenagers with the beautiful, and talented people who have the ‘ideal’ body type, which has caused a decrease in self esteem, and the dissatisfaction with their body image. As a result of this, many teenagers have tried to get the ‘ideal’ body image by dieting, and the Department of Education and Child Development stated that ‘68% of 15 year old females are on a diet, of these, 8% are severely dieting’. Self concept is a reason why people diet, and it has a huge impact on food selection since it can influence teenagers to eat f ood that have a high nutritional values. Despite this, it can also lead to them eating next to nothing, which can potentially lead to life threatening eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa. 3.2 Beliefs A belief is an opinion that isn’t based on scientific proof, and they are often based on religion and cultural heritage. Many religious communities have placed restrictions on what their people can eat. (E.g. Hindu’s cannot eat beef because cows are sacred in their religion.) The reason why there are restrictions is because in the past, people believed that it would protect others from diseases, and poor hygiene. Beliefs are very significant, since they can influence eating habits. The reason for this is because adolescents usually follow the food beliefs of their own parents, so the food that they choose to eat would depend on that. For example, a teenager will most likely be a vegetarian if their parents are vegetarian. 3.3 Emotions Even though it may not seem like it, emotions play an important role in food selection, especially during adolescence. The strongest desire for food happens when people are emotionally sensitive, and most are not even aware of it. Emotional eating is when people consume food as a way to deal with their emotions, and teenagers usually use it as a way to suppress negative emotions, such as grief, sadness, anger, and stress. It can be caused when they go through depressing events in life, such as the loss of a loved one, boyfriend/girlfriend breakups, divorce of parents etc. When this happens, ‘comfort foods’ are consumed, which are foods that are usually high in fat, sugar, salt (For example, ice-cream, chocolate, candy, potato chips) and are generally not good for the health of teenagers if it’s constantly happening. Overview of physiological factors Physiological factors affect the body’s craving (appetite), and need for food (hunger). The body needs a certain amount of nutrients from food in order for it to function properly, and to be healthy. The amount of nutrients required vary from person to person, and they are based on their age, gender, build, activity level and health. Even though teenagers should eat according to their nutritional requirements because they are still developing. Over the past few years, they usually eat according to what satisfies them. 4.1 Nutritional Requirements Nutritional requirements are the amount of minerals/vitamins an individual has to take in order to have a healthy lifestyle. The nutritional requirements of an individual depends on their life stage (Infant, child, adolescent, etc.), since each stage requires a different amount of nutrients. As adolescents, they are still developing so they need to have a higher calcium and protein intake (for bone and tissue growth), and carbohydrates (For energy). Gender plays in an important role in the nutritional requirements of adolescents. Females start to go through their menstrual period at this stage in life, so they require more iron to counter the blood loss during that time. They also need folate, because it decrease the chance of brain and spinal birth defects by 50-70% if they get pregnant at a later stage. Males on the other hand, they require more zinc in order to protect their prostate gland and more protein to maintain their muscle tissues, since they h ave a higher proportion of muscle tissue than females. 4.2 Aroma and Taste Aroma and taste are closely related. Plenty of food gives off a scent that can be tasted before the food is actually eaten.The taste and aroma of food is one of the most important factors when it comes to food selection. The reason for this is because it’s what determines what food is appetising, and what isn’t. For example, people wouldn’t eat something that has a bad odour. Adolescents tend to `choose the food they eat based on it’s taste, regardless of nutritional value and since junk food tends to be tastier than healthy food, the majority of teenagers eat junk on a daily basis. 4.3 Allergies/Food intolerance A food allergy is when the immune system reacts to a certain type of food and rejects it, where as a food intolerance is the inability to digest a certain type of food. If a teenager has a food allergy or intolerance, then it would affect their food choices, since they would have to ensure that the food they consume doesn’t contain the food that they’re allergic/intolerant to. When a person has If they were to consume food that they are allergic to, they would suffer from symptoms such as diarrhea, eczema,and asthma. Similarly, if a person were to consume food that they were intolerant to, it would cause symptoms such as migraines, breathing problems and diarrhea. 5. Overview of economic factors Economic factors relate to the food market and the costs. It is significant to food selection since the type of food that a person eats usually depends the cost, the market and the resources that are available to the person. Economic factors also determines whether people are able to eat the food they want, or the only the food that they can afford. For adolescents, they only can eat what their parents are able to afford and what they can afford while they’re not at home. 5.1 Cost of Food The cost of food is an important factor to consider. As an adolescent, what they eat at home relies on the income of their parents, since that determines the quality and type of the food that is bought. Also, teenagers usually don’t have a lot of money to spend on food while they’re out with friends. As a result of this, they usually have a habit of constantly eating at fast food outlets such as Mcdonalds because the food is cheap. Although this is convenient, it’s a bad habit because if junk food is constantly being consumed, they’re not meeting their nutritional requirements and can cause diet related diseases later on. It is estimated that roughly 9 in 10 teenagers eat junk food everyday. 6. Conclusion There are various factors that affect the food selection of adolescents. These factors are divided into four categories- Social, economic, psychological and physiological. They all affect adolescents in various ways, and are some affect them negatively (E.g. the media), by influencing them to take on bad eating habits. Despite this, there are also that affect them positively (E.g. Education) by encouraging them to have healthy eating habits.